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Politics and Society

Shapkin M.N. Islamic vector of Kazakhstan development. The Turkish factor

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze the role of Kazakhstan in the most dominant international organizations with the workflow based on confessional and ethnic unity of Turkic countriesThese organizations are becoming significant on the international arena in terms of the new global geopolitical realities and the pace of regional development. Prospects of development of the Islamic integrative vector in Kazakhstan are examined in the context of the prospects of its influence on the Russian-Kazakh relations. The novelty of research lies in the consideration of Kazakhstan and Turkey as a new alternative of the integration center of the Eurasian region. The main finding of the study is the set of arguments in favor of considering not only pragmatic economic factors, but also cultural and civilizational, and religious issues while creating the model of Russian-Kazakh relations.


pragmatic economic factors, regional development, international organizations, Islamic factor, Kazakhstan-Turkey relations, Russia-Kazakhstan relations, cultural aspect, integration, identity, external factor

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