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Politics and Society

Potravnaya E.V. Job market: peculiarities of behavior of young professionals based on the self-evaluation of their competencies

Abstract: This article reviews the peculiarities of behavior and employment of the young professionals based on the self-evaluation of the existing competencies. The subject of the research is the economic behavior on the job market, which means the type of behavior associated with the realization and development of personal human capital by finding the optimal ratio of expenses and income. Such type of behavior implies the subjective perception of wages with consideration of the level of realization of human capital, motivational orientations, as well as cultural and educational competencies of an individual. Special attention is given to the analysis of self-evaluation of the young applicants on the job market. Among the assessing parameters it is suggested to review the communicative skills, knowledge of foreign languages, creativeness, organizational abilities, etc. It is noticed that the issue of the behavior of the modern youth on the job market is manifested in the contradiction between the desired and the actual behavior. The author proposes classification of the main factors affecting the formation of the youth job market, as well as determines the influence of environmental factors, the needs and interests of the youth in choosing the places of future employment, alongside such factors as wages, location, brand of the company, and others. The results of this research are aimed at the improvement of the work of the higher educational facilities under the conditions of transition to the new educational standards, as well as at the creating the model of collaboration between the universities, employers, and specialists on the job market, which meets the modern economic demands.


Job market, Competent approach, Self-evaluation, Employment, Young professionals, Students, Graduates, Employers, Competencies, Economic behavior

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