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Politics and Society

Gasymov N.A. Impact of the traditional Arab political culture upon the political processes of the state

Abstract: The subject of this research is the government institutions, the characteristic to Eastern countries peculiarities of political culture, as well as its influence on the political process. Elevation of the Islamic dispositions and activation of terrorism in the Middle East abs North Africa causes anxiety and alertness among the entire global community. The recent events of “Arab Spring” and the followed growth of instability within the region raise the questions – why even despite the overthrow of authoritarian regimes in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and Tunis, we did not observe a triumph of democracy in its Western understanding? Why Arab world having successfully borrowed the scientific and technological wealth from the West, barely implements the Western liberal-democratic institutions into the societies of the Middle East countries? The article presents the main factors of establishment and development of the political culture of the population in the countries of Arab East through the work of the government and institutions of political socialization. The author determines the specificity of political culture between the people of West and East, and attempts to answer the questions, which objective factors hinder the establishment of the Western liberal-democratic principles of democracy in the countries of Middle East.


Democracy, Political culture, Political process, Middle East, Islam, Ummah, Modernization, East, West, Civilization

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