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Politics and Society

Kurenkov I.G. Socio-economic aspects of the political process in Ukraine during the period of 1991-2004

Abstract: The subject of this research is the political process in Ukraine during the period of 1991-2014 in the context of democratic transformation. A special attention is given to the analysis of the nuances of the establishment of new social and economic relations in the country, notably to the formation and strengthening of the influence of the elite groups. It was necessary to follow the prerequisites of how the financial and industrial groups started to transform into the category of political actors and achieve dominant position in the Ukrainian political life. One of the main goals of this work was to find out by what method the various socio-economic factors determined the development of the political system of Ukraine from the perspective of strengthening or weakening of the democratic institutions. The author reviews the level of dependency of the electoral preferences of the population from the influence of the socio-economic factors in the countries with developed democracy and the countries that within the process of democratic transit. The processes of economic development that affected the establishment of the modern social structure of the population of Ukraine are being examined. The author also reviews the peculiarities of the formation of the private sector of the Ukrainian economy and gives characteristic to the lobbyism by business elites, aimed at the development of certain political preferences among the voters.


Leonid Kuchma’s policy, Privatization in Ukraine, Political elite of Ukraine, Democratic transformation, Formation of political elites, Socio-economic processes, Political system of Ukraine, Political process in Ukraine, Voter’s electoral preferences, Post-soviet transformation

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