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Politics and Society

Levushkina A.O., Mefod'eva S.A. Problems of Non-Financial Development Institutions in the Primorsky Region in the Context of Relations between the Federal Centre and the Region: from Special Economic Zones to the Territories of Priority Development and Free Ports.

Abstract: The object of the research are non-financial development institutions, namely various kinds of special economic zones — free economic zones, special economic zones, territories of priority development and free ports. The subject of the research are the non-financial development institutions in the context of relations between the federal centre and periphery defined by the trends of state policy. The field of the research is territorially limited to the Primorsky Region, the period of the study including origins of prerequisites and conditions for the development of modern special economic zones is from the end of 19th — beginning of 20th century until September 2015. The authors apply general methodological system approach, considering the region as a subsystem with its structural connections that to a certain degree replicates the structure of the system. Moreover, the development institutions are considered in their historical sequence with the help of historically-comparative institutional analysis. Among the empirical methods the analysis of documents, secondary analysis of statistical data and expert evaluation were used. The study analyses the reasons of inefficiency of the previous regional development institutions and highlights the risks for the territories of priority development and the free port in Primorsky Region. The main conclusion is that the provision of tax and customs privileges to the investors alone does not mean consequent priority development of the territory. The scientific contribution of the authors to the study of the topic lies in the fact that the issue of territories of priority development and the free port is considered comprehensively in the context of evolution, taking into account the changes in the trends of state policy and the degree to which the federal centre patronises the periphery.  


Free Port, Special Economic Zone, territories of priority development, Far East, Primorsky Region, Development Institutions, Governmental Patronage, Center-Periphery, Free Customs Zone, Asia-Pacific Region

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