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Politics and Society

Parkhomenko R.N. Ernst Cassirer's Ideas about the Formation of Law and State in Modern European Philosophy

Abstract: The subject of the research in the article are the ideas of law, state, freedom and democracy of the famous German philosopher Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945), which he considered in the overall context of the modern European spiritual and intellectual tradition. Special attention is paid to the notions of freedom and democracy that were essentially universal for Cassirer, as they are the common heritage of all European nations. The author also examines the following aspect of the topic: Cassirer did not create a systematic theory of the political, as it is customary in modern political science — economic and material factors the in society were not of big importance for him, but the increased interest in the search for "metaphysical" roots of any phenomenon of the social life makes Cassirer's political philosophy particularly informative and interesting. Research methodology of this topic was a detailed study of a broad sources base — the original texts, most of which are not translated into Russian and are not particularly available and known in our country. Cassirer's philosophical reflections and research on the topic of the ideas of the state, rights, freedom, constitution developed in German intellectual and spiritual history, led him to the conclusion that these ideas are an integral part of the German culture, and not some "foreign", "imported" product of the Anglo-American or French spiritual and political traditions.


Cassirer, human, freedom, democracy, politics, law, state, Germany, Europe, society

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