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Politics and Society

Petruk G.V., Kleshcheva N.A. Partnership as an Effective Tool of the Specialist Training for the Regional Labour Market

Abstract: The article presents the outlooks of cooperation between educational institutions and employers in Russian mono-towns. The article describes the experience of the organisation of the educational environment in the mono-town conditions as an effective tool to ensure the preparation of highly qualified experts that are primarily oriented for the customer and the needs of the labour market of the city. The uniqueness of the presented cluster approach lies in the fact that that the future expert is immersed in the «professional environment» from an early age, gradually acquiring general and practical professional knowledge that provides a good insight into the production, which significantly shortens the period of entry into the profession. Methodology and research methods. The research is based on theoretical analysis of the examined problem. The author studies and summarises the domestic and foreign experience of cooperation between educational institutions and industrial enterprises, applies pedagogical modelling of the mechanism of interaction between the partners in the educational-industrial cluster. The methods of empirical research were used, among which pedagogical observation, generalisation of experience of the interaction within the cluster educational environment. The authors justify the opportunity to apply the cluster approach to the organisation of educational and professional partnership.Academic novelty. The article proposes the principles of the design of the cluster educational environment in mono-towns, as well as the cluster structure and content of its key elements (domains), and also describes the mechanism of interaction of all its subjects.Practical significance. The main ideas of the proposed approach to the organisation of educational and working environment can be translated into the development of social partnership of educational institutions and employers, not only on the municipal, but also on the regional level. Trained experts not only cover the needs of the labour personnel of the enterprises of the city, but also quite quickly climb the career ladder and become heads of enterprises.


personnel training, integration, employers, educational institutions, mono-towns, industrial and educational cluster, partnership, educational environment, mechanism of interaction, design methodology

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