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Politics and Society

Vasilyuk E.A. The Influence of Political Factor on the Economic Cooperation between Russia and Japan at the Present Stage

Abstract: The present article analyses of how the political factor – namely, the sanctions imposed by Japan on a unilateral basis – influence economic relations between the Russian Federation and Japan. The object of the research highlighted by the author is bilateral Russian-Japanese relations at the present stage. The subject of the study is the political factor and its influence on the economic component of these relations. Special attention is paid to the general positive trend of the interaction of the two countries in the area of economics and the long-term impact of the factor of political strain. The analytical basis is built upon the systems approach with regard to the bilateral relations of the two countries and to the economic and political sreas of their interaction. The author proposes a hypothesis, according to which in the present time the influence of Japan's unilateral sanctions is rather small both in the trade and investment projects of two countries, and then lists some predictions on what may be their course of actions in the mid- and long term.


Ukraine, Geopolitics, Sanctions, Trade, Investments, Economics, Japan, Russia, Crisis, Politics

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