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Politics and Society

Boltaevskiy A.A., Pryadko I.P. The Reform of Russian Higher Schools Evaluated by the Students and the Tutors: research experience

Abstract: The paper suggests the evaluation of the reforms of Russian higher schools aimed at its gradual integration into the Bologna process that has been conducted in our country since 2003. Many experts notice the divorcement of Russian universities from the solution of practical tasks, visible weakness of Russian educational system compared to the Western one when it comes to the preparation of professionals in the field of applied sciences. The subject of the article is the question whether it is true and to which extent the students and teaching staff of Russian higher schools are ready for the new opportunities. The article analyses the results of an express survey conducted by the authors among the students and the teaching stuff. Among the factors that cause vigilance in Russian experts are the low level of knowledge regarding the aims of the reform and lack of information about the measures to improve the system of higher education. It is highlighted in the article that the main goal of studying according to the Bologna standards nowadays is the creation of united intellectual space. But as the conducted survey has shown, there are two factors that block the fulfilment of this goal: low level of foreign language skills by the students and insufficient income. These circumstances make it practically impossible for the majority of Russian students to study abroad and decreases the competitiveness of the graduates of Russian universities from the point of view of potential employers all over Europe. 


education, Bologna process, universities, competence-based approach, educational standards, fundamental projects, social institute, upbringing, teaching, scientific research

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