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Politics and Society

Karpov V.A. The Question of Evaluating State Transformations in the Russian Empire in the Beginning of XX Century in the Context of Establishment of the Rule-of-Law State

Abstract: The object of the research are the state transformations conducted in the Russian Empire in the beginning of XX century. In this respect the influence of the Western concept of the rule-of-law state has been evaluated. The author thoroughly examines internal essential characteristics of the rule-of-law state as the unity of four criterial complexes: ideological criterial complex (key significance of the rule of law principle in the state ideology), formal criterial complex (advanced legislation that consolidates a wide range of human rights and freedoms), practical criterial complex (real legislative execution and provision of rights and freedoms by effective guarantees of practical implementation), psychological criterial complex (high level of legal consciousness in the society, broad support of the rule of law principle among the population). Methodologically the research is based on the dialectic ontological method, complex of general (logical, historical, ascension from abstract to concrete thinking, etc.) and particular scientific methods (comparative legal studies, system structural analysis, explanation of laws, etc.). Scientific novelty of the study lies in the elaboration of a system of criterial complexes: ideological criterial complex, formal criterial complex, practical criterial complex, and psychological criterial complex for the evaluation of essential characteristics of a rule of law state. The article evaluates pre-revolutionary Russia with regard to its correspondence to the idea of the rule of law state using the elaborated system of criterial complexes. 


rule-of-law state, pre-revolutionary Russia, constitutionalism, rule of Nicholas II, Manifesto, improvement of state order, criterial complexes, ideology, formalism, characteristics

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