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Politics and Society

Flerov O.V. Motivation, Loyalty and Corporate Culture Amid Unemployment and Redundancies in the Era of Socioeconomic Uncertainty

Abstract: The object of study in the present article is labour activity. The subject of the study are motivation for labour, loyalty of the worker and corporate culture of the organisation in the period of socioeconomic uncertainty. The author thoroughly examines the behavioural mechanisms of the workers under the conditions of fierce competition on the labour market, peculiarities of their motivation, as well as values that determine their economic behaviour. Special attention is paid to the analysis of motivation theories and interpretation of the notion of corporate culture in the context of modern conditions and problems of Russian labour market. The research method used in the article is social psychological analysis, as well as empirical data collected by the author while working on a managing position. The author's conclusions lie in the fact that during difficult socioeconomic times some theoretical assumptions of human resource management are to be in a certain way reconsidered. At the same time, it is impossible to interpret the economic statistics of the labour market without social psychological analysis which allows to better understand the motivation, choice and values of the workers in a certain situation.  The novelty of the article lies in the fact that it shows well-known assumptions of human resource management in the context of relevant social issues that our country has been facing lately. 


labour market, unemployment, labour, needs, corporate culture, loyalty, motivation, economic behaviour, incentive, value

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