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Politics and Society

Shen Y. Turkish-Russian Relations after Coming to Power of the New Political Elites (2002-2013)

Abstract: The subject of the article is the analysis of the problematic points of Eurasian integration in Russian and Turkish foreign policy in the period of 2002-2013. The object of the study are the Turkish-Russian relations in the period of 2002-2013. The present article compares the approaches of Russian and Turkish foreign policy to the major problems of the Eurasian concept and also analyses the potential possibility of cooperation of these countries in particular regions when solving particular problems. From the author's point of view, it is necessary to highlight four basic regions where Russian and Turkish interests overlap: the Black Sea region, Western world, Middle East and Caucasus.  Methodologically the research is based on the principle of historicism. The author of the work adhered to the principle of scientific objectiveness, the method of comparative historical analysis and problematic chronological induction. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that Turkey, which is in fact tellurocratic, receives a historical chance to make an alliance with Russia that is referred to as a thalassocratic power. This, perhaps, will have a global impact on the geopolitical theory and will even allow to reconsider Russia as a sea power. Russia possesses the Northern Sea Route, access to the Black Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and Turkey can provide trade and economic safety of the Mediterranean route. The alliance of the successors of the two former empires will to a large extent influence future structure, economic and political order in Eurasia due to the balance and re-consideration of the geopolitical types of tellurocracy and thalassocracy. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. Especially since 2002 there has been increased interest to the Osman past in Turkey. A new quasi-imperial thinking of neo-osmanists has been formed, that was established on a ground prepared by the islamisation of the public space. However, there are no historical and political reasons for that in modern Turkey. At the same time, Erdogan's Turkey still aspires to be the leader of the Sunni world. Since the system instability in Arab countries has begun in 2010, Turkey has been rejecting the "Zero problems with our neighbours" policy, actively supporting the processes going on in Arab countries, explaining, that those are the steps towards democracy. However, in general it appeared that Ankara's new policy has no prospects. 2. Balance of supply and demand for energy sources established between Turkey and Russia laid a right foundation for the creation of long-term relations between the two countries. Under such conditions the Turkish government has always outlined that close approach to Russia is defined by rational calculations, not by narrow nationalistic reasons.


EU, NATO, JDP, Arab spring, Montreux Convention, neo-osmanism, Middle East, Caucasus, Eurasian concept, Western world

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