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Politics and Society

Glushchenko O.P. The Development of the Criminal Procedure Legislation of Bringing Witnesses to Participate in Investigative Actions

Abstract: The present article conducts a retrospective analysis of the origins of the institute of witnesses in the Russian Federation. The author consistently reveals the main stages in the establishment and development of this institution. It was found out that the starting point for public involvement in the criminal proceedings at the legislative level was the 1649 Council Code, while the 1864 Charter of Criminal Proceedings can be considered to be the foundation for the development of the existing institute of witnesses. In addition, the author separately studied the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Codes of the RSFSR and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. In preparation for the work general scientific methods of research were applied, such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, as well as special research methods, including historical, comparative legal and formal-legal. The author mainly focuses on the currently topical regulations regulating the involvement of citizens as witnesses in criminal cases. The positive and negative aspects of the adoption of the Federal Law ¹23-FL dated March 4, 2013 have been analysed. It is concluded that the activity of the witnesses is still widely ranged, due to the lack of the necessary clarifications of the new law.


reform of the criminal process, investigative actions, institute of witnesses, participants of criminal proceedings, criminal proceedings, criminal procedural law, technical means of fixing, publicity, legislative problems, investigator

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