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Politics and Society

Volkov N.A. The Activities of the Russian Human Rights Commissioners on Protection of the Constitutional Rights of Disabled Persons

Abstract: At present, the problems of people with disabilities have acquired special urgency. Around the world, the number of such people is growing, there is already more than a billion of them. Also, 9% of the population of our country are people with disabilities. In Russia there is no institution of ombudsmen for the rights of the disabled, therefore, protection of the rights of people with disabilities lies within the powers of the ombudsmen for human rights. The object of the study are the rights of the disabled in Russian Federation and its federal subjects. The purpose of the research is the analysis of the fulfilment of the constitutional rights of persons with disabilities in Russia and the development of proposals for its improvement. The subject of the study are the activities of the public authorities of the Russian Federation and its federal subjects on observation and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as the control over these activities on the part of the state constitutional human rights mechanism -  the Institute of Ombudsmen, which is relatively new for the Russian realia. The main research method is comparative legal analysis of activities on observation and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in different regions. The novelty of the research involves the exploration of the new approaches related to the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by Russian Federation in 2012, as well as the analysis of  the subsequent recent changes in federal and regional legislation. A special contribution of the author to the research consists of both theoretical study of the problem in different regions of the Russian Federation, and practical participation in protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in author's own region.


socially vulnerable strata, The UN Convention, accessible environment, social security, welfare state, rights of the disabled, human rights activist, human rights, protection of the disabled, the disabled

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