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Politics and Society

Sadykhov A.A. The Principles of Succession Law

Abstract: The subject of the research are the legal provisions, which create the basis for the succession under the will, as well as the examination of the legal framework and theory of civil law, defining the essence, typology and peculiarities of implementation of the principles of the succession under the will alongside with analysis and systematisation of the problems of Russian legislation and legal theory regarding the systematisation and peculiarities of implementation of the principles of succession under the will.At the same time, legal theory lacks comprehensive research on the principles of succession under the will, which also adds relevance to the chosen topic.The methodological basis of the research is comprised by the latest achievements of the cognitive theory. General philosophical, theoretical, empirical methods (dialectics, systematic approach, analysis, synthesis, analogies, deduction, observation, modelling), as well as traditional legal (formal logical) methods were applied in the course of the research. At the same time, the  comparative law method has been used, which allowed to conduct the analysis of the foreign legislation and the experience of implementation of the principles of succession under the will. The academic novelty of the research involves the fact that the examination of the conditions of the legal theory and the peculiarities of the implementation  of the principles of succession under the will has provided the basis for a comprehensive analysis of the features of the studied field and the proposal of some theoretical and practical recommendations regarding the problems existing in the legislation, as well as author's own view of some debating points in the civil law theory.


succession law, system, principles, civil rights, provisions of civil law, public relations, legal rights, testator, socio-economic vector, succession

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