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Politics and Society

Shestak O.I. Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation in the Context of Powers of Local Government Bodies

Abstract: The subject of the research is the issue of discrepancy between the existing documents of municipal strategic planning and the powers of local government bodies. It is stated that the majority of current strategic documents of Russian municipalities do not have any regulatory basis for their implementation, the budgeting system is not provided, not to speak of structural and functional violations in such documents (the lack of interrelation between problems, aims, objectives, measures and the indicators of their efficiency). Municipal strategies and strategic plans of social and economic development demonstrate connection and coordination of the announced measures and projects regarding the time of their implementation, resources and executives, which eventually leads to poor performance. The method of the research is legal and regulatory analysis of the strategic plans of municipalities (by the example of bigger city districts of the Far Eastern Federal District). The conclusion is drawn, that for the efficient development of strategic planning in Russia it is necessary to solve the issues of its legal regulation and methodological support. The author's contribution to the study of issues of the development of strategic planning in Russian municipalities is the evaluation of efficiency and quality of the strategic documents from the point of view of their accordance with the powers granted to the local authorities, which defines the opportunities for the implementation of strategies and strategic plans.


powers of the authorities, local government, strategy of socio-economic development, municipal strategic planning, legal regulation, strategic planning, budget security, problems of strategic planning, questions of local meaning, municipal law

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