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Politics and Society

Antonov V.F. Legal Regulation of Socially Active Behaviour

Abstract: The article examines controversial issues of the regulation of socially active behaviour under the circumstances of the establishment of the legal state and civil society. Sociological researches persuasively prove that social activity is based on the aspiration for self-fulfilment, which is manifested in different behavioural aspects. From the author's point of view, any social activity is a result of aspiration for the creative fulfilment, actualisation of talents and skills, aimed at the satisfaction of certain social demands. However, personal self-fulfilment is originally connected with the meeting of social and cultural demands of social, economic, political and ethnocultural kind. The article points out that such motivation is formed under the influence of the worldview attitudes and corresponding regulators of values, prevailing on a certain stage of social development. The work outlines that in democratic states the dominating idea of free personal development traditionally resides in the range of constitutional principles of state development. Any artificial obstacles resisting the processes of intellectual, spiritual and moral development create prerequisites for the formation of anti-culture which destroys state and legal institutions. The novelty of the research involves the determination of the prioritised directions of state policy that provide social activity of citizens in modern democratic society. From the author's point of view, the stimulation of rightful behaviour implies social ascent of the citizens who provide the support of the fundamental values and actively participate in public initiatives. An essential condition for the functioning of the civil society are the legal mechanisms aimed at the formation of a leading stratum, participating in the implementation of the most significant fields of the state policy. 


legal state, civil society, social activity, personality, legal regulation, legal norms, Constitution, legal restrictions, moral, politics

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