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Politics and Society

Bezvikonnaya E.V. Political Activism of a Local Community as a Means of Expressing Municipal Political Culture

Abstract: The process of the self-organisation of a local community is aimed at the implementation of forms of political activism under the conditions of well-developed civil political culture. Being the key subject of local government, the local community expresses public and municipal interests and demands, transmitting them to the authorities, public organisations and business-community via formal and informal channels of communication. Only drastic revaluation of the existing system of the new public management and replacing it with the principles of network and synergistic management will make it possible to overcome the internal disunity of the local community and provide the creation of an integral municipal political culture, based on common worldview stereotypes and identities. 


political science, local community, political culture, self-organisation, self-administration, synergistic communication model, civic culture, political activism, political participation, civil society

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