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Politics and Society

Khusyainov T.M. Social-Legal Analysis of Labour Agreements with the Internet-Employees (by the Example of the Nizhny Novgorod region)

Abstract: The aim of this work is the presentation and analysis of different forms of labour agreements between the employer and the Internet employees based on the legislative framework of Russian Federation, as well as the sociological research data regarding Internet employees living in the Nizhny Novgorod region. This work is considering the process of implementation of legal rules in social activity of the participants of the Internet labour market. The author considers in details all kinds of labour agreements, existing in Russia, as well as their legal and non-legal forms. Methods of research include theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign literature and analysis of the data of sociological research "Employment in the Internet in the Nizhny Novgorod region". The result of this paper is determination of the most widespread form of labour agreements between Internet employees and their employers. The article provides all social and economical characteristics of labour agreements, their advantages and disadvantages for the Internet employees.


informatisation, labour contract, labour agreement, telework, freelance, post-industrial society, Internet employment, atypical employment, labour relations, labour

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