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Politics and Society

Doroshina M.M. Komsomol Leaders in the Russian Province of the Second Half of the 1960th - the First Half of the 1980th Years: Collective Portrait

Abstract: The work is done in prosopographical genre. For the purposes of collective portrait of the Komsomol officials during the second half of the 1960s and the first half of the 1980-ies the personal records of 7 secretaries of the regional Committee, 41 secretaries of the town committees, 122 secretaries of the district committees of the Komsomol of the Tambov region (170 people) from the State Archive of Social-Political History of Tambov region are analyzed and created a database. This article presents the results of its processing.The list of required personal and business qualities of the first secretaries is compiled on the basis of 114 party and komsomol characteristics of heads of region, town and district committees of the Komsomol. The increased uniformity of characteristics, use of a large number of stamps and templates, citation of documents of the central and regional committees of the Komsomol on personnel policy are marked. The presence of well-deserved authority and respect among members, nonunion youth and party activists was leading among the most frequently mentioned qualities of candidates to the post of first secretary.According to the author, the activity of Komsomol organizations in 1965-1984 is characterized primarily by the dominance of command-and-control style of relations between the party and the Komsomol. Describing the body of first secretaries of this period, the author notes a sharp increase in educational level of the Komsomol leaders, the prevalence among them of agriculture experts and technical workers, the increase in the share of immigrants from the urban environment, the increase in the average age of the Komsomol officials. Analysis of the causes rotation allowed us to conclude that a consistently high proportion of the Komsomol leaders continued upward movement on nomenclature the stairs.


education, description, gender analysis, first secretary, Komsomol, youth, prosopography, history, age, career

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