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Politics and Society

Chiu Ling Stages of development and prospects for cooperation between people’s republic of China and the Russian Federation in the sphere of energy production

Abstract: The author of the article examines the basic legal documents regarding cooperation on energy issues between China and Russia as well as the development of relations between PRC and RF as strategic partners. The researcher describes the main stages of the development of energy negotiations between China and Russia. The course of the development of energy cooperation between China and Russia is divided by the author into the four stages: Yeltsin’s period, Putin’s epoch, Medvedev’s era and the new era of Putin. The author notes that the cooperation on energy issues between China and Russia is an essential part of the strategic cooperation between these two countries. In this article the methodological basis for political studies involves systems, structural-functional and comparative-political approaches as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that in the long term energy cooperation between China and Russia depends on the three political factors. Firstly, this cooperation should be based on bilateral interests. Secondly, energy cooperation between the two countries should be built upon a strong strategic partnership which would guarantee a better support of the energy dialogue between China and Russia. Finally, the leaders of the both countries should pay more attention to their energy relations and support their development.


cooperation on energy issues, energy security, strategic partnership, joint statement, stages of development, Eastern itinerary, Western itinerary, prospects for cooperation, supply diversification, cooperation on gas issues.

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