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Politics and Society

Shkel, S.N. Modern classifications of authoritarian regimes

Abstract: The subject under research is modern classifications of undemocratic regimes that have been developed by political experts in the modern period. The author of the article examines specific subtypes of modern authoritarian regimes and carries out a critical analysis of the empiric verification and operationalisation of the mentioned concepts. All classifications discussed in this article are viewed from the point of view of their relevance to studying transformations of political regimes in post-Soviet countries. Special attention is paid to the concepts of so called “hybrid regimes’ in the form of “electoral” and “competitive” authoritarianism. In his research Shkel has used the methods of classification and formal logic. Based on these methods, the researcher has divided all classification schemes of undemocratic political regimes into the three basic groups, i. e. approaches which differ from one another depending on the main classification criterion. Shkel offers to divide all modern classifications of authoritarian regimes into the following three groups: electoral, actor and institutional regimes. The researcher also concludes that an obvious advantage of new classification schemes is the opportunity to move the focus of the analysis not only from autocracy to democracy but also within undemocratic forms themselves. Generally speaking, Shkel admits that different concepts rather help than hinder scientists from applying a particular classification to the solution of certain research tasks.


political regimes, authoritarianism, classification, political theory, electoral authoritarianism, competitive authoritarianism, hegemony, political institutions, political actors.

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