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Politics and Society

Sardaryan, G. T. On Political Ethics and Global Democratic Development

Abstract: The subject under research is the relation between ethics as a philosophical category and the global political process as well as politics as it is. The author of the article gives a review of scientific views on the influence of morals on politics and a state institution as well as modern views on whether such negative qualities as, let’s say, hypocrisy, are allowed in politics. Special attention is paid to the role of religion in the establishment and development of the European civilization and the modern condition of the European civilization considering evident demographic problems in Europe. The author of the article uses a deductive method, structural-functional, institutional, philosophical-comparative analysis as well as other methods of the theoretical approach to analyzing the relation between morals and politics. The present article is devoted to the issues that constitute the most nettlesome political agenda in a modern world, in particular, the growth of Islamic radicalism in the Middle East and the influence of Western countries on this process. Taking into account the establishment of so called Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria and the threat it creates for the entire humankind, it is important to analyze political approaches of Western countries to the problem and the relation between these and ethic standards of the liberal political concept. Special attention is also paid to the status of personality in a number of member states of the United Nations where the Constitution is rather formal and does not correspond with the country’s system of morals and values.


USA, democracy, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, Middle East, Europe, morals, ethics, politics, Russia, human rights.

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