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Politics and Society

Kireeva, N. V. Classifi cation of Integrated Relations

Abstract: The purpose of the research article is to create a classifi cation of intercommunications arising at international integration associations as a result of interaction between integration actors. The classifi cation is based on the system approach. The author of the article shows that all the variety of forms of interaction between interests and relations formed on their basis can be divided into the two groups: confl ict-free (cooperative) and confl ict. The former is based on the difference between interests and the latter is based on their opposition. In their turn, cooperative relations can be summative and synthetic, i.e. creating non-organic and organic entities) and confl ict relations can be positional or resourceful. It is quite obvious that when we talk about integration associations, we mean associations that are based on cooperative relations. Noteworthy that summative relations are formed as a result of interaction between parallel interests when parties pursue different goals but each of these goals can be actually achieved as a result of their interaction. Synthetic relations are formed as a result of interaction between converging interests, i.e. all parties strive for the same goal. Synthetic relations are more stable and these are the relations that cause establishment of international integration associations – socio-economic systems where the dependence between the whole and its components are so close that elements cannot exist independently. Besides classifi cation of interests and associated social relations, the author of the article also defi nes other criteria for their classifi cation. For example, integrated relations are divided into subgroups depending o their objective laws, forms of determinism, direction, substrate, order, sustainability and changeability.


international integration, regional integration associations, integrated relations, social interests, congruence of interests, complementary economic systems, international cooperation, international reproduction complexes, value chains, integrative trade.

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