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Politics and Society

Kremen, T. V. Historical Sources of Indifference Towards Politics in Modern Ukrainian Society

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the causes of political apathy in the Ukraine and studies consequences of the government confrontation and passive adaptation of population to the situation in the Ukraine. The author also describes the levels of trust towards social institutions and views the sources of political minus-mobilization of the Ukrainian society. It is shown that a peculiarity of the political process in the Ukraine is a group inexpressiveness of positions, interests and views, diffused group beliefs and advantages of the mainstream population. Results of opinion surveys show that there is a tendency in the Ukrainian society towards reduction of the number of citizens who feel involved in the social and political life in the country. The author of the article also underlines polarization of public opinions between regions which is made even more complicated because there is no consensus on the matter in different social groups. The author also stresses out a need in modernization and democratization of political institutions. This is caused not by social perceptions of freedom, rights and justice but by the reasonable need in supporting the government. It is also demonstrated that constant minus-mobilization of the Ukrainian society provides for legitimacy of the political regime in the Ukraine.


indifference towards politics, political apathy (indifference), inactivity, political nihilism, minus-mobilization, Ukrainian people, Ukraine, political regime (government), social institutions, regional polarization.

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