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Politics and Society

Zaytsev, A.V. Deliberative Democracy in Terms of Communication Between State Institution and Civil Society

Abstract: The article tells us about the difference between the deliberative model of democracy and electoral or liberal democracies. It is shown that deliberative democracy is rather close to representative democracy and participatory democracy. The author of the article also analyzes the origin and defi nitions of deliberative democracy. The author himself describes the deliberative model of democracy as institutionalized communication between the state institution and civil society. The article describes other views on and concepts of deliberative policy, especially Seyla Benhabib’s political philosophy who related the deliberative process with the procedure of legitimization of decisions made. At the end of the article the author talks about a very important role of deliberative democracy for modern Russia.


political studies, communication, discourse, deliberative democracy, state institution, civil society, public policy, legitimacy, government, institutionalization.

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