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Politics and Society

M.V. Makarova Employment of people with disabilities in Russian Federation

Abstract: The article explores the specifics of employment of people with disabilities – disability-based differentiation and societal stagnation. People with disabilities are a significant part of Russia’s low-income population – they’re often numbered among the poorest groups, and often suffer from housing shortages, inaccessibility of public transport and medical care. Their employment opportunities are limited, and other sources of income are scarcely available. Today’s “inß ationary” growth of economy results in social stagnation. A layer of people emerges that cannot afford quality food, housing and other goods.This group of people, while not exactly a part of the poorest categories, are still very far from middle class. If quality education is made available to them, this will provide them with a chance to enter the more prestigious parts of the labour market. Russian Federation’s laws do not permit disabled people from entering any professions.


Political science, labour, politics, society, people with disabilities, employment, state, law, conflict, social technologies

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