Politics and Society
Kolganov, N. M.
Legal Forms of State-Private Partnership
in the Innovative Sphere
// Politics and Society.
2013. ¹ 2.
P. 145-151.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54017
Kolganov, N. M. Legal Forms of State-Private Partnership
in the Innovative Sphere
The article considers the main forms of the organization
of state-private partnership in the innovative
sphere. The author investigates separate aspects of
development of innovations in Russia, and also legal
status of science cities, technological parks, business
incubators and other most widespread forms of stateprivate
partnership in the innovative sphere.
innovations, innovative activity, innovative system, Skolkovo innovation center, special economic zone, science city (Naukograd), venture financing.
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