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Politics and Society

Kodan, S. V. Political and Legal Methods in the Research of History of Modernization of State-Legal System of Russia (XIX – turn of the XX Centuries)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of using political and legal methodological approaches to the general theory of state institution in researches o history of state-legal development of Russia during XIX – early XX centuries. Based on general theoretical provisions concerning legal policy as a trend of managing infl uence of a state institution on the legal environment of social life, the author makes an emphasis on possibilities and importance of their use as methodological approaches to studying historical and legal processes and institutions. Special attention is paid at trends of future political and legal researches as a refl ection of political managing infl uence on the legal environment of the Russian society’s life and institutionalization. The article also shows opportunities of using political and legal methods in studying the process of modernization of the state-legal system in Russia during XIX – early XX centuries.


studies of law, history of state and law, methods o history of state and law, legal development of the society, interactions between politics and legal system of the society, legal policy, legal system of the society, trends of legal policy, legality, legal order.

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