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Politics and Society
Kopaeva, E. V.
Governor and Regional Parliament: Struggle for Power in the Context of Transformation
(the Ivanov Region Case)
// Politics and Society.
2011. ¹ 10.
P. 15-21.
Kopaeva, E. V. Governor and Regional Parliament: Struggle for Power in the Context of Transformation (the Ivanov Region Case)Abstract: The problem of the balance between powers of the governor and regional parliament as the main actors of the regional regime has a great significance for defining the optimal formula of stability in the region. The author of the article describes the basic stages of transformation of this relation from the point of view of changing the resource base and behavior strategy which allows to trace the dynamics and define the possible ways of optimization. The research is based on 10 profound interviews with the representatives of the regional executive and legislative authorities and experts as well as the local mass media. However, it appears that such a balance between the two main actors cannot be viewed as the optimal variant in a long-term perspective although it is quite suitable as an anti-crisis model to change the conflict between the two branches of government. Keywords: political studies, governor, parliament, actor, transformation, power, regime, elite, confrontation, region.
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