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Politics and Society

Yablonskaya, L. M. Advancement of Probity of Police Officers Based on the Ethical Deontological Approach: Canadian Police Experience

Abstract: Based on the analysis of original publications, the author of the article describes the experience of anticorruption activities by the means of advancement of ethics of Canadian police officers. Special attention is paid at the ethical deontological approach that is aimed at the advance of fidelity, responsibility, honesty, respect towards the citizens’ rights and freedoms and qualification of police officers. The article describes how to ensure high quality of public services through ethics, dynamic administration, rise of ethical education and establishment of partnership with the communities served by the Canadian police. Since there is a reform of the state police service ongoing in Russia now, this article will be of interest to researches and experts of law enforcement authorities.


social studies, police, Canada, corruption, ethical deontological approach, ethics, probity, values, service, fidelity.

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