Politics and Society
Yablonskaya, L. M.
Axiological Grounds for Police Activities in a Democratic State
// Politics and Society.
2011. ¹ 8.
P. 32-37.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=53757
Yablonskaya, L. M. Axiological Grounds for Police Activities in a Democratic State
Based on the original documents of international organizations the author of the article analyzes the role
of ethical and deontological values in police activity, administration and reformation. The author analyzes the core
values of police in democratic states such as supremacy of law, community service, concord and order in the society,
protection of human rights and freedoms, ethics. The article will be of good use to theorists and researches of the
reform of law enforcement agencies in Russia.
ocial studies, philosophy, ethics, police, values, deontology, concord, service, ethics, work ethics.
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