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Politics and Society

Maksimova, I. A. Formation and Development of the Institute of Protection of Children’s Rights, Freedoms and Legal Interests

Abstract: The article reveals the signifi cant features of the concept ‘childhood’ related to this or that period of development of Russian state from ancientry to modern times. The author analyzes the changes in legal status of under age children throughout the historical path of development of our country. Special attention is paid at the evolution of the institution of protection of children’s rights, freedoms and legal interests. Based on her analysis, the author describes the positive tendencies typical for every period of in our history as well as the main problems of the institution of protection of children’s rights, freedoms and legal interests. As a result, the author concludes that there is a certain need in further improvement of that institution in the Russian Federation.


studies of law, child, under age, children, childhood, period, up-bringing, protection, rights, interests.

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