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Politics and Society

Akilova, M. M. Democracy and Political ‘Occam’s Razor’

Abstract: The article is devoted to the world democracy as a contradictory value and a progressive civilization which gave birth to such phenomenon as declaration of democracy or democratization. By using the term ‘political Occam’s Razor’ the author tries to reveal the thesis that Western policy obeys the principle of the so called ‘political Occam’s Razor’ in the sphere of democratization of the Central Asian countries. In this way, very complicated challenges are usually postponed and secondary challenges come to the first place and are solved fast. In philosophy, Occam’s Razor gets rid of ‘overly’ difficult evidence and uses only simple facts. In politics, political subjects refuse from difficult challenges and solve the secondary goals first. The author also discusses the thesis that the political Occam’s Razor is aimed at the global democratization, but for the moment the West chose the longest way to democratization after the failure of the first romantic wave of democratization in the Central Asia. By leading the policy against semi-authoritarianism, the world democracy, however, does not free Tajikistan and countries of the Central Asia from the danger of a war, although according to the political Occam’s Razor, the world democracy should try to avoid turning other countries into a threat for itself


political sciences, politics, democracy, world democracy, democratization, authoritarianism, balanced politics, political Islam, formal democracy, Occam’s Razor

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