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Politics and Society

Mouminov, E. A. Modernization of Civil Society: Definition, Theories and Peculiarities (based on the case study in Uzbekistan)

Abstract: Review: this article is a brief review of the main concepts of modernization, it also contains etymological definition and typology of that phenomenon. Much attention is given to one of the specific modernization processes, — modernization of the civil society. According to the author, modernization of the civil society lies at the center of all processes in a democratic state. It is especially important for the countries implementing democracy reforms. Among such countries stands out Uzbekistan, state-by-stage modernizing all spheres of public and state activities and fully realizing the principle ‘from a strong state to a strong civil society’. Besides studying the general theory of modernization, the author of the article also reviewed Uzbekistan’s experience in modernization of the civil society. The author analyzed the peculiarities of that process at a modern stage and defined the main reasons slowing down the effective realization of planned reforms in that sphere.


political science, modernization, civil society, Westernization, Euro centrism, ‘Japanese miracle’, ‘Uzbek model’, typology of modernization, modernization processes, institutes of civil society

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