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Law and Politics

Komarov A.A. Jurisdiction of transnational computer crimes in accordance with the German legislation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the system of norms of criminal legislation that defines the boundaries of its jurisdiction. The author sequentially refers to the norms of Russian and foreign legislation in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of this topic. In this particular case the author uses German criminal code and compares it with its current Russian counterpart. For this purpose we have examined the examples of formalization of the territorial, personal, passive personal, real and universal principles in the German Criminal Code. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that the author is first to base the analysis on both, the current criminal laws of Russia and Germany, as well as the historical sources (Criminal Code of the RSFSR and Criminal Code of the GDR), which undoubtedly affected the doctrine of criminal law. The author was able to determine the certain regularities in development of German criminal law, which distinguish it from Russian legislation, as well as legislation of the countries of Common Law.


territorial jurisdiction, Ort der Tat, cybercrime, jurisdiction, StGB, Strafgesetzbuch, Internet, Germany, phishing, German Democratic Republic

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