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Law and Politics

Dmitrieva T.N. National-cultural autonomies – heritage of the institutionalized ethnicity or the factor of group isolation of the migrants? Response to the article by Y. I. Filippova “Multiculturalism as the Policy and Figure of Speech”

Abstract:   The subject of this research is the phenomenon of the national-cultural autonomy. The object of this research is defined by the role of the national-cultural autonomy in the process of adaptation and integration of migrants. Presentation of the national-cultural autonomy as the actor of integrational policy initiates a discussion within the expert society on the possible risks of cultivation of ethnic differences and enclavisation of the migrant communities. The article compares the theoretical conclusions of Y. O Filippova to the results acquired during the course of empirical research of the author of this work and other experts. The dialectical approach towards the research allowed studying the institute of national-cultural autonomy considering its qualitative change in the context of contrariety of the political processes. The national-cultural autonomy is being viewed as the result of search of the balance between the multi-vectoral trends with regards to the national problem in the specific historical period. The conclusion is made on the improvement of the legal grounds of the national-cultural autonomy on the background of the changes in the political situation of the country. The author examines the socioeconomic resource of the national-cultural unions in the context of consolidation of the migrants. The author also notes the failure of the attempt at universality of the national-cultural autonomy pertaining to the realization of the right of ethnic group upon the cultural-national autonomy.  


ethno-cultural component of education, actors of the integrational policy, migrant communities, group isolation, adaptation of migrants, migrant workers, institutionalization of ethnicity, cultural-national autonomy, Kyrgyztown, national unions

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