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Law and Politics

Boyarskiy M. Doping in sports: criminal law assessment of this phenomenon

Abstract:   This article presents the analysis of one of the most relevant problems in sports law – the problem of fighting doping in sports. A special attention is paid to the capabilities of criminal law as the strictest means used for preventing illegal behavior and punishment of the violators. The author examines the key positions of International Convention against Doping in Sport (2005), which expound the content of the notions “violation of anti-doping rules”, “banned substance”, and others. The author also highlights the directions in which these positions have affected the Polish legislation. Analysis is conducted on the law on prevention of drug abuse (2005), law on sport (2010), and “Pharmaceutical Law” (2001) in the Criminal Code. A brief analysis is given to the procedural aspects of the fight against doping in sports, and a position is substantiated, according to which the disciplinary measures in cases of violation of the anti-doping laws leans on the criminal procedural model. Various types of sanctions applied for violation of technical rules of the sports discipline, and anti-doping laws are also being listed.  


Banned substance, Law, Doping, Convention, Responsibility, Sport, Athlete, Pharmacology, Intent, Crime

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