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Law and Politics

Bekishieva S.R. The category “legal world”: posing a question

Abstract: The object of this research is the legal world as a legal category of the highest integrative status, which can be implemented within the framework of the philosophical research for the extensive legal generalizations. The modern legal science suggests various categories of law as the universal, capturing all legal spheres of social life: system of law, legal reality, and legal life. The category “legal world” most often is used in characterization of the aforementioned categories or in examination of historical-legal experience of certain nations and ethnic groups. The multiplicity of the universal legal categories puts the theory of law before the need for a distinct demarcation of the corresponding notions, as well as substantiation of the independent meaning of the category “legal world”. The scientific novelty of this work consists in consideration of the legal world as the category which has an objective and subjective sides of expression, includes all forms of legal being of the society (legal phenomena and positions), as well as reflects the legal processes and represents the results of development of the material and spiritual activity people in the area of law.


being of law, legal generalizations, legal events, legal categories, legal concepts, legal science, world of law, legal world, real world, subjective world

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