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Law and Politics

Kirillova E.A. Legal grounds and types of inheritance in civil legislation of the Russian Federation

Abstract: This article examines the legal grounds and types of inheritance in Russia’s civil law, considering the most recent positions of the Russian legislation. The goal of this research is to review the legal categories with regards to bases to inheritance according to the law of inheritance of the Russian Federation. The author suggests an original approach towards the questions of inheritance. The proposed new approach towards understanding the grounds for inheritance will allow solving certain questions of hereditary succession of various categories of heirs, including through justification of purposefulness of the coverage of particular conditions of inheritance for the heirs by the will or law. During the course of this research the author applied a combination of general scientific and private scientific methods, which allowed forecasting certain trends in development of the institution of inheritance law, as well as formulating a number of scientifically substantiated recommendations and propositions. This work suggests to differentiate the grounds for inheritance and types of inheritance, and based on this fact establish a logical conceptual framework, which would be used in the theory of civil law and legislation. The author’s classification of the grounds for inheritance is being presented in the article.


Hereditary substitution, Right of representation, Escheated property, Juridical fact, Legal succession, Legal competence, Hereditary transmission, Inheritance, Inheritor, Heir

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