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Law and Politics

Yakovlev A.V. Mutual rights and obligations of the representative and third parties, as well as the represented and third parties within the framework of legal relations of the representation in Russian and American legal systems

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the question of mutual rights and obligations of the representative and third parties, as well as the represented and third parties within the framework of legal relations of the representation in Russian and American legal systems. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the legal relations of the representation within Russian and American legal systems on the example of legal regulation of mutual rights of the main parties of legal relations with third parties. The author also examines issues such as: emergence of mutual rights and obligations between the represented and third parties; informing third parties by the represented party; right (obligation) of the representative to enter into relations with third parties and the circle of his authority; limitation of rights of the representative to enter into relations with third parties for the purposes of acting in their interests. It is substantiated that the legal relations of the representation, as well as their legal regulation within Russian and American laws are rather similar. It is confirmed by the possibility of highlighting principles that are in common in both laws and the elements of these legal relations, the main of which are the rights and obligations of third parties in their cooperation with the main parties to legal relations of the representation.


USA, Russia, Obligations, Rights, Third party, Agent, Principal, Representation, Civil law, Jurisprudence

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