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Law and Politics

El'chaninova O.Yu. Specificity of application of the formulary analysis in researching the legal nature of Russian official documents of the XVII century

Abstract: The object of this research is the sources of Russian law. The subject of this research is the elements of the formulation of Russian official documents of the XVII century. The author gives characteristics to the structural constructs of the conditional, abstract, concrete, and individual forms of legal acts. A special attention is given to the specificity of the application of formulary analysis in studying the legal nature of the Russian official documents of the XVII century. The author’s contribution into research of this topic lies in the application of formulary analysis in studying the legal nature of Russian official documents of the XVII century, which allows determining their type, examine their structure and extract information, establish the order, time, and place of their creation. Studying the form of the legal documents allows researching them fully, without separating individual clauses from each other.


Conditional form, Abstract form, Specific form, Individual form, Official document, Clause, Diploma, Will, Certificate, Legal source

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