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Law and Politics

Kolesnikova Yu.A. Certain issues associated with right to ownership within public law formations in cases of residential properties in newly started and unfinished building projects

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the research of certain issues associated with right to ownership within public law formations in cases of residential properties in newly started and unfinished building projects. In the course of this research the author establishes incompliance with the positions of the Article 246 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in the area of investments into construction projects on contractual basis, one of the facets of which is the public law formation. The author also determines that the contradictory legal precedent in material litigation of the subjects of public and private law, containing demands to recognize the right to ownership of housing that are within buildings that are being completed. For the purposes of protecting public and private property rights, the author proposes introducing changes to the legislation pertaining to coverage of legal requirement for management of properties of common partial ownership in both, the properties of re-started construction of real estate, as well as in regards to unfinished construction projects.


Jurisprudence, residential building, public law formation, real estate, property, common partial ownership, abandoned construction, investment, management, co-investing

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