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Law and Politics

Balynin I.V. Assessment of the political culture of the young generation in the Russian Federation (based on the research findings for 2012-2015)

Abstract:   The author examines in detail the typology of the political cultures of G. Almond and S. Verba, and presents the content of a survey developed on its basis, consisting of 14 open and closed questions.   Particular attention is given to the results of the survey (April 2012, October 2013, November 2014 and February 2015) of the young generation of modern Russia on the basis of original survey to determine the typology of political culture of G. Almond and S. Verba.   The methodological framework consists of the following methods: surveys in the form of a questionnaire, a comparative, quantitative and critical analysis; synthesis, generalization, classification, historical and logical methods, as well as a graphical method (table) for visual display of the results of the study.   The conducted survey of the Russian youth in 2012-2015, based on the developed questionnaire, revealed that the younger generation of modern Russia has inherent patriarchal and loyal traits. The study of the political culture has shown that today's youth is not indifferent towards the future of Russia and the political process. Many young people see themselves as active participants in these processes, understand the importance of active political position, but some underestimate the inherent rationality and responsibility.   Based on the results of this research, the author proposes measures aimed at developing the Russian youth political culture of participation, and increasing its electoral activity. At the same time, it is necessary to consolidate efforts of family, state, municipal authorities, and civil society with the use of modern information technologies and means of communication, taking into account the international experience, the historical development of the Russian state, as well as the interests and initiatives of young people.  


political parties, youth, electoral activity, elections, culture of participation, civil society, political culture, electoral process, suffrage, youth policy

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