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Law and Politics

Trubitsyn D.A. Criminological characterization of female criminality among the indigenous ethnic groups of the Far North (on the example of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)

Abstract: The subject of this research is the criminological aspects of the female criminality among the indigenous people of the Far North. The object of this research is the volume, level, and structure of this type of criminality within the overall volume of criminality in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. A special attention is giving to the determinants of female criminality among the indigenous people of the Far North. As one of the general conclusions, the author states that solution to the question of prevention of female criminality among the indigenous people of the Far North is possible through increasing the level of education, lowering the rate of unemployment, overcoming social pessimism, and orientation of women towards setting positive priorities and goals for the future. The main conclusions of the conducted research consist in the highlighting of the criminological peculiarities of the female criminality among the indigenous people of the Far North: correlation between the female criminal activity and level of education and unemployment; in contrast to the nationwide female criminality, within the structure of female criminality among indigenous women of the Far North we can observe prevalence of crimes with elements of physical violence, usually involving family members or friends.


alcoholization, employment, education level, tundra, crime determinants, structure of crime, crime rate, female crime, family and household relations, identity of female criminal

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