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Law and Politics

Dias Martins R. Copyright law: a path to a genuine reform

Abstract: The object of this research is the theoretical substantiation of the copyright law starting from the times of Johannes Gutenberg and first normative acts, which are associated with the designated branch of law. The author pursues the correlation between the prerequisites of the emergence of copyright law and its practical implementation in the modern world, in order to examine if its prerequisites correspond with the demands of modern society. For better understanding of the certain problems of copyright law, it was necessary to study contractual legal relations, which serve as a transfer instrument for exclusive usage rights. The author attempts to determine the important directions of this reform of the copyright law. The author’s main contribution into the research of this topic is the description of the essential aspects of copyright law in the light of criticizing the foundations of this branch of law. The conclusion is made that the broad expansion of the most flexible methods of managing copyrights such as Creative Common, suggests that the authors do not always desire to have an all-encompassing protection of their rights and receive revenue, but rather want to make their contribution into the development of the scientific and cultural potential of the society.


justice, contractual relations, social nature of knowledge, «Creative Commons», prerequisites for reforms, functions of Copyright Law, Copyright Law, branches of law, new models of regulation, collaborative works

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