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Law and Politics

Rusanov V.V. The inheritance institution in the customary law of the Altai Krai

Abstract: This article examines the uniqueness of the customary law of the residents of Altai Krai pertaining to the traditions of inheriting property. The author analyzes participation of the relatives (spouse and children) in inheritance of the property of the father. The research offers some of the peculiarities of the Institution of Zaysanat among Altaians. In addition to that, the research also addresses the land relations between the Seok tribes of the Altai; influence of the sedentism processes upon the process of research; the specificity of property relations, as well as the order of transfer of prospecting and hunting territories. The author compares the common-patrimonial law with the actual law of the Zaysan administration. Based on the character of modern legal knowledge, the author attempted the organic fusion of elements of legal analysis and historical-cultural and anthropological approaches. The author offers unique information based on the collected field material. The data is collected directly from the sources and informants during several expeditions to the summits of the Altai Mountains throughout 2005-2009, which just now has been processed. Each year there are less and less informants remain, and along with them, we are losing a portion of valuable knowledge. Study of the customary law of Russia’s ethnoses is an important step in understanding the former concept of law and preservation of historical heritage.


Institution of Zaysanat, personal property, property, testamentary succession, inheritance, Altaians, customary law, Family law, collective ownership, ancestral property

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