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Law and Politics

Romanovskaya V.B., Puzhaev V.V. To the problem of substantiation of the value components within the Russian legal system

Abstract: This article presents the theoretical-legal and political-ideological outlooks upon the problem of the value components existing in the current Russian legal system. The authors reveal the interconnection and interrelation of the sphere of positivism of legal values and ideological sphere of the functionality of Russia, analyzed in the context of complex socio-political transformations of the late XX – early XXI centuries. Taking into account the special aspects of the emergence of values in the course of goal-setting human understanding of reality, the authors trace the duality in the development of the legal axiosphere as a component of the legal system, which on one hand manifests in the space-time predeterminateness of a specific value construct, while on the other – in the processes of continuity and universalization of the legal values. The article reveals the theoretical problems of the legal axiology obstructing the holistic and unambiguous cognition of the value elements of the legal system. This work substantiates the presence of the axiological components not only at the stage of the actual establishment of law, but also within the entire mechanism of legal regulation.


legal system, state ideology, religious values, spiritual-moral bases, law comprehension, legal values, legal axiology, continuity, universalization, lawmaking

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