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Law and Politics

Falaleeva I.N. “Language policy as a component of the legal policy in the Soviet state during the 1920’s-1930’s (based on the archive materials of Volga-Don region)"

Abstract: This article focuses on the historico-legal issue, namely the analysis of the language policy in the Soviet Union, as one of the main vectors of the legal policy within the framework national question. Basing on the new archive materials, the author points out that the organized and legal support of the ability to obtain higher education in native language and responsibilities of the Soviet government officials to conduct clerical correspondence in local languages reflected the subjectivity of the Lower Volga Krai residents, including the national minorities transferred over to the new Turkic alphabet. In the course of the conducted research, the author confirms the thesis that the Soviet government officials were forced to follow the hierarchy of political administrative divisions as well as legal policy with regards to language. The amount of languages “necessary” for a successful career advancement varied depending on the administrative territorial status of a constituent. Latinisation of language graphics of national minorities in the Volga-Don region produced controversial results.


Ethnic legal personality, Autonomous region, Autonomous Republic, Latinisation, Localization of institution, National minorities, National question, New Turkic alphabet, Legal regulation, Language promotion

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