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Law and Politics

Biyushkina N.I. Comparative legal analysis of the legislation on the state of exception in Russia and other countries in the second half of the XIX century

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the comparative legal analysis of such ambiguous concept within the theory of state and law as state of exception. The author examines the process of development and passing the bill “On Measures to Protect State Security and Public Peace” from August 14, 1881. This was the key legal construct within the framework of domestic political safety course of the Russian state during this period. The article explains the purpose of implementing the state of exception, its concept, main aspects, and presents the comparative legal characteristics with similar legal constructs in foreign legislation. The author gives a detailed analysis to the processes of formation and functionality of the legislation on state of exception, determines the role of noted Russian state and public actors in development and passing of the bill in August of 1881, as well as other normative legal acts that regulated the regime of state of exception.


State of exception, Security course, Comparative legal analysis, Committee of Ministers, Exceptional legal regulation, Exceptional circumstances, Administrative law, Administrative authority, Citizen rights, Emergency security

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